Comparative Examples of Logistic Platforms (LP) in the World
This article deals with the main characteristics of interest in the research, emphasizing the types of infrastructure, the intermodal logistics platforms (LPs) and their LP expansion plans located in the three most important continents of the world, by volume of cargo handling and geographical situation: the American, the European and the Asian. The objective of the paper is to address the selection criteria of LPs whose importance is to note that most platforms in the world are linked to seaports, because of their importance in global trade relations. The methodology applied for the study was the analysis of infrastructures of the ILPs: Rotterdam, Barcelona - ZAL (Spain), Le Havre (France), United States of America: Long Beach, Los Angeles, New York and in Asia, as well as in Hong Kong (China), Singapore (Singapore) and Tokyo (Japan), data collection and analysis have made it possible to understand the importance of these ILPs for the movement of loads to various parts of the world. The comparative results evidenced the importance in the economic strategy of these ILPs such as: types of infrastructure, intermodality systems and expansion plans space productivity, vehicle traffic limitation, economic performance, size and classification. The types of infrastructure mainly characterize the main terminals of dry and liquid loads. The intermodality system reinforces the integration of transport modes, increasing the synergy required for the movement of cargoes in these LPs.
Use of Simple Linear Regression Models to Analyze the Contribution of Non-linear Loads in the Harmonic Distortions of Voltage in an Electric System Bus: Case Study
A new harmonic data distribution window was developed, through the collection of data from the distribution network, in a medium voltage substation of level 13.8 kV. The objective of this article is to obtain a study on the energy for the consumer units (UCs), for a minimum period of 7 consecutive days according to the PRODIST, electrical system. The harmonics are not as harmful for firms as for power distribution company. A technique developed of this article is a linear regression technique, which is a construction of parametric models and a mathematical analysis. This is an article published and applied in the practice of case studies of harmonic analysis of electric energy distribution systems through linear regression analysis, obtaining great results in the study, thus validating an applied technique in harmonic analysis of electric power distribution systems.
Process of Establishment And In Vitro Development of Simaba Cedron Planch Seedlings
Simaba cedron, popularly known as "cedron", is largely used for fever and snake bites. Its seeds are used in the treatment of stomach problems and liver infections. The fruits are used for the treatment of pain and malaria while its bark is an antispasmodic. Simaba cedron is generally propagated through seeds, but with limited success, as the low viability of same restricts its propagation. In view of such difficulty, it becomes necessary the study for adequate conditions for the large scale production of these seedlings. Being it known that in several species, the use of micropropagation has made it possible to obtain a large amount of disease-free and more homogeneous seedlings, in reduced time and physical space, in comparison with conventional propagation methods, the objective of this work was to analyze the effect of two culture media on the production of aseptic parent plants as a first step in the development of a micropropagation protocol for Simaba cedron. The seeds were collected from a matrix plant located in the Amazon Biotechnology Center (CBA), in Manaus/AM. The experiment was installed at the Vegetable Tissue Culture Laboratory, where the explants were desinfected and grown in culture medium according to Murashige & Skoog (MS) and in Wood Plant Medium (WPM), during 60 days. The disinfestation rate obtained was 75% and, of the disinfested seeds, 100% germinated. The cultivation medium that was more favorable to the cultivation of simaba was the MS, where the multiplication rate was of 8.0: 1, whose seedlings reached, in average, 4.8 cm and 75% of rooting
Analyzing data processing methods and ensuring consistent results is hard work for scientists, the fact is that the optimization of a process makes a difference regardless of which area is being worked on. There are tools that consolidate studies like this, one of them is the comparative method using dispersion analysis that was used in this research when working with the School Adventurers application, which is one of the objects of study, with which the inferences agent called Fuzzylite was analyzed. The case study was a good option for the research when analyzing the inference methods modeled in the app and making a comparison with the MatLab® Fuzzy Toolbox, so the objective of the present research is to analyze the two mentioned tools and point out which one had the best performance using the same Fuzzy modeling. Through the dispersion analysis it was possible to identify a better result for the model used in Fuzzylite.
Automatic Balancing System of Connected Single Phase Units in the Low Voltage Distribution Network
The electricity distribution system tends to be unbalanced due to the presence of single-phase electrical charges
and also due to the dynamic behavior of the radial circuits. Such serious imbalances, in addition to
compromising the distribution of energy, can also interfere in the normal mode of operation of the active
components in the network (electrical transformers, etc.) and shorten the useful life of the cables that make up
the network. The objective of this work is to demonstrate by simulation the benefits brought by the adoption of
automation in the execution of the load balancing task, however for greater efficiency of the assets and
improvement of the supply quality, the present work defends the logical use for the search of the best
redistribution of single-phase loads connected to the distribution network, including the fuzzy logic to support
decision making and interpretation of dynamic load behavior, as well as the search optimization method for the
best allocation of single-phase loads (consumer units) advocates the adoption of an algorithm based on the
simplex model. The results found through the techniques employed, allow a better distribution of loads through
the distribution network, reducing the risks for the people involved in the execution of the task in the field and
obtaining improvements in the tension profile due to the load imbalance.
IoT System for Ultraviolet Ray Index Monitoring
Este artigo apresenta um sistema de monitoramento de índice ultravioleta usando aplicativos de IoT. O objetivo é auxiliar na prevenção de doenças causadas pela radiação solar ultravioleta por meio de mensagens de aviso com medidas preventivas a cada alteração no nível do índice ultravioleta ao longo do tempo. O monitoramento do índice de UV é de fundamental importância para a prevenção de várias doenças, como câncer de pele, doenças cardiovasculares, falta de cálcio e outras. O sistema apresentou bons resultados no monitoramento do índice UV, apresentando valores medidos dos índices UV de acordo com a radiação solar observada durante os experimentos, classificados de acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS).
The Importance of Auditing with the Operationalization of Cost Management in Civil Construction
This study aims to demonstrate what are the tools used in the Internal
Audit process within a Construction Industry organization located in
the city of Manaus / AM, in this context it is commented that Internal
Audit is a broad control tool for managers. Therefore, through their
work activities one has to manage costs as a means of identifying that
all internal processes and policies defined by the company. This study
aims to contribute to the dissemination of the role of the auditor
engineer and his contributions within a risk mitigation construction
company to which the company is exposed, bringing knowledge about
the benefits of implementing the use of audit as a strategic element to
minimize fraud. in the operationalization of costs with the construction
industries. The methodology was elaborated through bibliographic
research whose theme dealt with the audit procedures, the procedure
was qualitative, because it was elaborated through research carried
out with the managers of a construction company providing services.
During this study, it was observed that the audit activities in company
“X” are planned, programmed and developed taking into account the company's concerns and priorities, which was evident from the case
study conducted in this research. However, it is pointed out that
although the organization is in line with the defined objectives,
strategies and global policies, enabling the achievement of effective
management, it has some bottlenecks in its operational management
process, a fact that can be understood due to the lack of knowledge of
the correct procedures that must meet the process established by the
Keywords: Internal Audit, Audit Dissemination, Decision Making
O Espaço Físico de uma Escola Infantil: um Olhar da Gestão para a Acessibilidade
A Educação Infantil, apesar de ser considerada a primeira
etapa da Educação Básica, ainda enfrenta o desafio de estabelecer a
sua própria identidade educativa e, com isso, criar uma ação
diferenciada que não “escolarize” a criança. No século XXI, novas
demandas apresentaram-se à educação com ênfase no fazer, no
trabalho e na ação, adaptando o homem às novas rotinas da sociedade
industrial. O fazer torna-se a tônica da ação educativa e o tempo
destinado às atividades pedagógicas passa a ter um lugar de destaque,
a esse respeito torna-se necessário que a Gestão Escolar tenha a
preocupação com relação a acessibilidade das crianças nestas
instituições de Ensino, sendo este o objetivo geral deste estudo. No
tangente a metodologia está será esboçada de forma descritiva tendo
caráter exploratório, no tangente a abordagem da problemática essa foi
qualitativa, com relação aos procedimentos técnicos esses se deram de
duas maneiras: a primeira fase foi bibliográfico, já a segunda foi
elaborada através de um estudo de caso em uma escola da rede pública
municipal da cidade de Manaus/AM. Por fim, podemos salientar que
as escolas na cidade de Manaus passam por um momento de transição
e superação de certas concepções construídas ao longo de sua história.
Assim, investidos na condição de que a escola como ambiente educativo inclusivo requer condições que garantam o acesso e a participação
autônoma de todos os alunos às suas dependências e atividades de
formação, e está deve assegurar essas condições é um dos motes dos
educadores e demais profissionais que atuam nessas escolas.
Palavras-Chave: Gestão; Educação Infantil; Acessibilidade.
Medidas de Proteção contra Acidentes em Altura Numa Obra Vertical na Zona Norte da Cidade de Manaus: um Estudo de Caso
Embora a segurança do trabalho já esteja incorporada em
grande parte das empresas, a construção civil continua liderando o
ranking de acidentes de trabalho. Uma das principais causas de
mortes de trabalhadores se deve a acidentes envolvendo queda de
pessoas e materiais na construção civil. Para isso existem as normas
regulamentadoras vigentes nacionais que abordam os preceitos e
procedimentos que podem ser aplicados, métodos recorrentes que
devem ser realizados para prática deste tipo de trabalho e os focos na
área da construção civil que podem determinar acidentes ou
fatalidades, a falta de equipamentos, prevenção, etc. Diante do exposto,
o objetivo geral do estudo é analisar se a NR 35 (Trabalho em Altura)
está sendo realizada como medidas de controle e prevenção de
acidentes de trabalho em altura em uma obra vertical, solidificando as
ferramentas que possam reduzir esses acidentes. A metodologia
aplicada é de caráter exploratório e estudo de caso. Afim de identificar
as técnicas aplicadas e não aplicadas no canteiro de obra de acordo
com a norma regulamentadora. Com os resultados observa-se que a
ausência de uma prática de antecipação, que sugere que a prevenção
seja realizada na fase de planejamento, na concepção do projeto daedificação, do processo de produção ou do método de trabalho, é um
dos fatores que encabeçam a lista das causas de acidentes.
Palavras-Chave: Construção Civil; Trabalho em Altura; Canteiro de
A indústria da construção civil obteve progresso nos últimos tempos, tanto em tecnologias,
quanto na comercialização e gestão de seus empreendimentos. Implantação de conceitos
da logística tradicional, logística reversa e alguns conceitos do 5s na construção civil, tende
a crescer aumentando a competitividade entre as empresas.
Este artigo tem como objetivo geral de estudar a possibilidade de implantação da
logística reversa na construção civil numa empresa em Manaus-AM, para tal foram
indicadas técnicas de reaproveitamento de materiais, demonstrado os custos com os
desperdícios de materiais, aplicada a logística reversa nas obras, usando todos os
procedimentos teóricos e práticos, como a triagem dos resíduos que podem ser
reaproveitados, reciclados ou dar uma destinação correta aos resíduos não
reaproveitados nos canteiros de obras, onde poderá formar também parcerias com as
cooperativas e a sociedade, visando ter benefícios de forma sustentável e econômica.
Observa-se que com a implantação da logística reversa é possível alcançar melhorias
significativas com a reutilização de materiais recicláveis e redução de custo.
Palavra chaves: Construção civil; Logística Reversa; Sustentabilidade, Reciclagem.
Information Gathering and Analysis of Pathological Manifestations in the External Area of a Residential Block on Journalists Condominium in Manaus / AM
The Civil Construction sector has great importance for the
growth and development of the country, exerting considerable influence
in the economic scenario of Brazil. However, there are a large number
of completed and ongoing buildings that present pathological
scenarios. These can occur in the most diverse stages of the production
process, and may originate even in the planning stage, requiring a
study indicating the most recurrent causes of pathologies. Identifying
and correcting potential failures and anomalies certainly increases the
overall satisfaction of homeowners for their contribution to the
aesthetics of the building, as well as for enhancing product life and
business value. When interacting with the external environment to
which they are exposed, materials may undergo changes that over time
cause a loss in their ability to withstand the conditions for which they
were designed. Although it is a natural process, some factors directly
influence its deterioration, such as the use of poor quality material and
the lack of periodic maintenance. Thus, the pathological
manifestations present in the building motivated the development of
this article, aiming to diagnose them and propose appropriate treatment for their resolution, establishing a prioritization order
through listing of criticality arising from the Building Inspection.
Through a visual inspection and inspection at the place under study,
this work cataloged, diagnosed and indicated interventions to the
identified pathological manifestations.
Keywords: Pathologies, criticality listing, inspection
Hybrid Approach combining SARIMA and Neural Networks for multi-step ahead wind speed forecasting in Brazil
ABSTRACT This paper proposes a hybrid approach based on SARIMA and Neural Networks for multi-step
ahead wind speed forecasting using explanatory variables. In the proposed model, explanatory variables are
first predicted, and wind speed forecasting is performed taking into account these forecasted values and wind
speed historical series. The multi-step ahead forecasting is achieved recursively, by using the first forecasted
value as input to obtain the next forecasting value. The proposed approach is tested using historical records
of meteorological data collected from two real-world locations in Brazil. In order to demonstrate accuracy
and effectiveness of the proposed approach, the results are compared with other techniques such as Neural
Networks, SARIMA and SARIMA+wavelet. Simulation results reveal that the proposed hybrid forecasting
method outperforms these popular algorithms for different forecasting horizons with higher accuracy.
INDEX TERMS SARIMA model, explanatory variable selection, multi-step ahead, neural networks, wind
speed forecasting
Different Models for Forecasting Wind Power Generation: Case Study
Abstract: Generation of electric energy through wind turbines is one of the practically inexhaustible
alternatives of generation. It is considered a source of clean energy, but still needs a lot of research
for the development of science and technologies that ensures uniformity in generation, providing a
greater participation of this source in the energy matrix, since the wind presents abrupt variations in
speed, density and other important variables. In wind-based electrical systems, it is essential to predict
at least one day in advance the future values of wind behavior, in order to evaluate the availability of
energy for the next period, which is relevant information in the dispatch of the generating units and
in the control of the electrical system. This paper develops ultra-short, short, medium and long-term
prediction models of wind speed, based on computational intelligence techniques, using artificial
neural network models, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and hybrid models
including forecasting using wavelets. For the application of the methodology, the meteorological
variables of the database of the national organization system of environmental data (SONDA),
Petrolina station, from 1 January 2004 to 31 March 2017, were used. A comparison among results by
different used approaches is also done and it is also predicted the possibility of power and energy
generation using a certain kind of wind generator.
Keywords: wind power; wind speed; time series; ARIMA; forecasting; wavelets
Comparison between Deterministic methods and the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, for the Economic Load Dispatch, turning off the Generators of Higher Cost
Abstract - The reduction of fuel costs in the production of
electric power in Power Plants (PP) is one of the most significant
problems in this industry. This problem is known as
Optimization of the Economic Load Dispatch (ELD). The
objective of this paper is to analyze the application of the
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm (ABC) metaheuristics,
considering the incremental cost of fuel and the shutdown of the
engines with the highest fuel cost per MWh in UTEs whose
installed capacity exceeds the required power demand. Several
techniques have been developed to solve the problem of ELD,
among them: lambda iteration method, gradient method,
Newton method and so on. The results for this study with the
application of ABC, considering the shutdown of the generators
of higher cost per MWh, obtaining a mean reduction of 6.54%
in the total fuel cost, compared to the classic solutions that use
all engines of the UTE. In addition to cost reduction, this
proposal helps the specialist responsible for the management of
the UTE in the decision making of the preventive maintenance
of the engines that are not being used at the moment of the
optimization, improving not only the generation efficiency, but
also the generation planning of the plant.
Keywords Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, Economic Load
Dispatch, Mathematical Methods, Power Plants.
The knee joint is considered a complex structure, which provides stability and mobility, which is
composed of bone, muscle and ligament structures. ACL rupture causes knee joint instability with
excessive internal rotation and anterior tibial translation, especially when reaching the last
degrees of extension, causing limitations in activities of daily living. This work aims to show the
effectiveness of physiotherapy in the treatment of ACL injuries. The method started from a
bibliographic review, through books, personal files, websites of medicine and physiotherapy
available on the internet, magazines and scientific articles in the health area, aiming to illustrate
and theoretically base the work. Articles were selected for the present study, in Portuguese and
English. The bibliographic survey was carried out with references to publications between the
years 2000 to 2017. The present study revealed the importance of Physiotherapy in the process of
rehabilitation of ACL injuries. It demonstrated that most patients respond satisfactorily, and
resistance levels can be noticed in a few cases.
Key Words:
Anterior Cruciate Ligament-ACL;
Physiotherapeutic Rehabilitation; Knee.
Audit work in the interpretation of cultural heritage: a study focused on the municipality of Manaus-AM
O objeto deste estudo é a interpretação do patrimônio cultural
do município de Manaus (AM), onde este patrimônio é levantado,
analisado e avalizado por meio dos preceitos do planejamento
interpretativo. O trabalho teve como objetivo geral analisar a
contribuição do projeto de extensão – “Conheça Manaus”:
interpretando seu patrimônio cultural e natural - com relação à
percepção e o sentimento de pertencimento dos alunos para com os
patrimônios. Como objetivos específicos, comparar por meio das
redações o interesse dos alunos pelos patrimônios culturais, antes e
após o trabalho interpretativo, analisar e identificar as estratégias
interpretativas e informações adotadas na proposta interpretativa. O
referencial teórico foi elaborado a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica
em fontes secundárias como livros, teses, dissertações e artigos que
tratam de discussões envolvendo os conceitos de patrimônio,
planejamento turístico, interpretação do patrimônio cultural e
planejamento interpretativo. Na pesquisa de campo, descreve-se e
avalia a realização do city tour e a elaboração das redações realizadas
pelos alunos do ensino fundamental da rede pública do município.
Conclui-se que o planejamento interpretativo sinaliza como uma saída
para o uso sustentável do patrimônio, pois ele estabelece uma relação
entre patrimônio, visitante e comunidade oferecendo informações que o
levam a revelar sua identidade.
Palavras chave: Patrimônio Cultural. Planejamento Interpretativo.
Manaus. Turismo.
O presente artigo objetiva analisar os fatores que contribuem para a desvalorização de
imóveis urbanos provenientes de ocupações irregulares na zona oeste da capital
amazonense. A zona urbana de Manaus possui diversas áreas que foram tomadas pelo
fenômeno “indústria da invasão”, comumente disseminada por organizações criminosas
que vendem porções de terras sem os mesmos serem detentores da posse. Há diversos
fatores que contribuem para o acarretamento das ocupações irregulares, tais como:
desemprego, omissão do estado na política habitacional, fiscalização ineficiente e nível de
escolaridade reduzida dos invasores.
Palavras-chave: Desvalorização de imóveis, Ocupações irregulares, Política habitacional.
An expert analysis of Areal Igarapé: proposal for intervention, as improvement of the conditions of housing infrastructure of families living in london areas, proposing environmental recovery of degraded areas
The current situation of the igarapés of Manaus brings us to
the observation that, over the years, human beings have been
continually degrading the environment in which they live and from
which they derive the necessary subsidies for their survival, and this
incessant interference on behalf of the people. Development is usually
committed without the prior care of maintaining nature conservation.
Among the various watercourses that intersect the city of Manaus, and
most of it is in an advanced stage of deterioration due to anthropic
action, the Igarapé do Areal that for a long time was useful to the
manauara population that lived near its Unfortunately, the banks also
suffered from all the transformations caused by the urbanization of the
city and today it is observed only as an open sewer. Aiming at the
contemplation of the objective of this study, which is based on a
descriptive survey, made through published material related to the research theme, it is complemented by an observational case study.
Although during the mutations suffered with the development of the
capital of Amazonas there was no care in the manipulation of water
sources, there is a need to highlight the responsibility of the public
power and the sensitization of the population for their revitalization.
During the study it was observed that the source of Igarapé do Areal
does not present satisfactory conditions, close to those of natural
environments, since occupation processes are already observed in areas
close to its headwaters. However, in the streams of the stream where
anthropic actions occur, the properties of the water bodies present
intense alteration, reaching a state of total decharacterization, due to
the small size and the low self-purification capacity of the polluting
Keywords: Urbanization. Housing. Igarapé. Manaus
The study in the area of semi-new car sales, allowed the idealization of LifeCar, its development is
focused on the life history of vehicles, being of great use for those who purchase vehicles without being
aware of all the maintenance already carried out. Through the mixed methodology and the help of
forms, we obtain the necessary information for its development, with the documentary research we
obtain data that aggregate contents related to the facts presented for the application and the referential
research to obtain scientific knowledge on the subjects covered. The results presented have a great
contribution to the evolution of LifeCar, where the need for the application and the contribution to
customers and dealerships are understood. In the sale of semi-new vehicles, the image of the vehicle is
a priority, but expectations can turn into inconvenience, as time passes, the vehicle can generate
problems not presented, thus generating setbacks. The idea comes from the principle that automobiles
have become a daily necessity of the population and their market has been gaining space, with this, it
generates spaces for malicious people, who take advantage of customers without knowledge in the
mechanical area, in this context the LifeCar giving total certainty of the best vehicle and its cost
Key Words:
Space filters; Frequency selective;
Polar elements; Microwaves.
Implementation of a low-cost water flux management System for residences. Applying
bibliographic research for better comprehension of the concepts applied in the work, adopting
quali-quantitative research through a survey aimed at a random audience, documentary research
for information support on informal agencies and finally a case study to accomplish the
construction of a profile of the average expenditure by a Brazilian family. The average water
expenditure on Brazilian households exceeds the required amount stipulated by the World Health
Organization to achieve sustainable usage, bad habits we maintain about water usage in our daily
activities, get us even closer to a future shortage. The expense of water wastage, either by reading
failure or clandestine connections, cost to the country a large amount of money. With the export,
there is an excessive water consumption in large cities and a lack of control on the part of
residents in moderating their use. With the implementation of this system, the resident will have
the possibility to obtain the control, clearly over its residential consumption, besides a better
awareness about how its actions affects the environment and consequently the people around it.
Key Words:
Management; Flow; Water; Consumption;
Faced with a new business scenario, organizations need to share the understanding between
technological development and socio-environmental responsibility, since IT ally’s sustainability
and seeks community interaction with organizations, acting in an ecologically responsible
manner. In this context, green IT helps to reduce the environmental problems caused by the
disposal of technological equipment and incorrect use of technology. The methodology is a case
study with bibliographic research, direct observation and quantitative research. The company
studied has a high energy consumption due to the misuse of computer equipment and therefore,
with the applicability of Green IT is possible to visualize and measure the benefits for the
company, including not only the reduction of energy costs, but a sustainable education that favors
the company and society as a whole. The results showed savings in monthly energy costs, while
the reuse of paper reduces 50% of total paper consumption for document printing. So, it's
noticeable that with the implementation of Green IT practices, even if implemented in a small
business, if done in the long term, the benefits will be even greater and noticeable to the
corporation and society.
Key Words:
Sustainability, Green IT,
Information Technology
The digital environment is a place where procedures and processes are essential in the information
security process. In this work, the sociocultural responsibility of the users in relation to the actions
practiced within the virtual environment that may use high risk potential for use, integrity and
availability of data will be addressed. For this, carry out a study with respect to the knowledge
about the population about the importance of information security, as well as the knowledge of
this group about sociocultural responsibility as an individual role in the use of digital media. Data
collection was carried out through the application of semi-structured questionnaires, including
questions aimed at knowledge and use of current information technologies. The selection of 112
respondents was carried out randomly, with no gender, age, education or social group standards.
The answers were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively through graphics and discussions
about the needs and potential of the researched group. It is used as a basis, as norms of the ISO
27000 family, and a plan for confidentiality, integrity and availability (CID) is created, according
to the public agreement of interest. With this research, there is no strong lack of knowledge and
digital maturity and this scenario causes great losses for the general population, as it results in
insecurity of the virtual environment for sharing data and information. Digital education deals
with an emerging theme. The need to include an educational media as a strategy for users
regarding the way of thinking and acting in the virtual environme
Key Words:
Information security, Internet,
Virtual crimes, Digital maturity
This article makes a comparison between two assistive technology applications developed for
mobile devices, with the objective of verifying how the contributions of these assistants and the
development of the child with PC. A questionnaire was prepared for the person responsible for a
child with CP to perform a comparison of applications (Livox and Matraquinha) and data sources
necessary for transportation. It is possible to check if the App Livox is the best accompaniment
for children with PC, as it was developed exclusively for this audience and has more functions,
such as games and games, unlike the App matraquinha.
Key Words:
Assistive Technology; Cerebral Palsy;
Application; Mobile Device.
The companies of the Manaus Industrial Pole are inserted in a market, where competitiveness is a
factor of constant challenge, making it necessary to manage their opportunities in order to
maximize their work processes, making them ergonomically viable, efficient and productive. The
aim of this study is to analyze how important the use of multidisciplinary teamwork is for the
development of innovative strategies that contribute not only to the modernization of
manufacturing processes but that also reduce the ergonomic risks generated by them, offering to
supported organizations by the law of good, the possibility of developing strategies and applying
them in projects initiated by Research and Development (R&D), so that they are built and focused
on the specific needs of the operations, reducing the risks involved, contributing consecutively to
optimizing the results to from a holistic view of the organization. It is possible to identify the
improvement of operational processes and the reduction of ergonomic risks, among other
Key Words:
Ergonomics; Productive efficiency;
Strategic management; R&D.
Reverse logistics works in order to dispose of batteries to the entire region in order to facilitate
the flow of automotive batteries and waste to minimize incorrect disposal. When improperly
neglected, the components in the battery, such as lead and sulfuric acid solution, can cause
serious problems in the environment, and in humans. The study aimed to analyze the system of
reverse logistics and storage of waste batteries within the company, identify the problems that the
company faces in relation to the return of scrap and stock, which are interrelated and influence the
performance of the reverse logistics system . Data collection was carried out through notebooks,
semi-structured interviews directed to the manager of the analyzed company and the employees
of the distributor in the region, using FIFO, Pareto Diagram and 8S. The results reveal that the
return of useless batteries, collection, socio-environmental responsibility, battery storage, are in
need of good management and communication and interconnections in the reverse scrap logistics
Key Words:
Reverse logistic; Social and Environmental
Responsibility; Solid Waste Storage.