FUZZY Methodology Applied IN THE
Background: There is currently an important challenge for hospital companies, which is to offer their services with the highest quality to their customers. And meeting this demand requires more efforts from public or private organizations to provide quality services offered to customers who are more demanding and interested not only in cost, but in the quality of the product or service offered. Therefore, if you guarantee in the market, you have an unknown, to evaluate the quality of services to monitor the quality of service according to the expectations of your customers, thereby creating competitive advantages. In this context, the private hospital in Manaus is with an interest in measuring its quality, placing itself as an object of study, in order to know: the quality of the services offered by the Hospital in the view of the clients, identifying the relevant positive and negative aspects for that the Hospital can act more precisely on the points that allow it to achieve excellence in customer service and acquire more competitiveness.
Materials and Methods: This reality dictates the need to create effective methods to meet the demand for quality in hospital services. In response, the purpose of this study arises to create a quality assessment model using the Fuzzy inference system, based on the studies by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, in 1994, who developed the SERVQUAL scale, an efficient instrument to assess the quality of services with evaluative diagnosis of quality that are important and followed until today.
Results: For this, a model was developed to evaluate the quality of private hospital services in Manaus. The questionnaire was used as data collection techniques, as determined by the SERVQUAL scale, which generated variables that were used for Fuzzy Inference in the Matlab R16 Student software.
Conclusion: The results made it possible to evaluate the quality of customer service, which reached an index of 82.7%, thus identifying the level of customer satisfaction, highlighting the negative points, essential information for managers to implement appropriate improvements.
Mobile technology to optimize the operational control of the entry of
national goods in the areas administered by suframa: vistoria 4.0
A Zona Franca de Manaus (ZFM) é uma área com incentivos fiscais e parafiscais criada para estimular o desenvolvimento econômico na região Amazônica. Em 2021, a região recebeu mais de 53 bilhões de reais em mercadorias (SUFRAMA, 2022), o que, juntamente com sua vasta extensão territorial e infraestrutura precária, apresenta desafios logísticos que dificultam a fiscalização e tornam a região propensa a fraudes fiscais, como o desvio de mercadorias e o uso indevido de incentivos fiscais. Essas práticas ilegais prejudicam a economia local e nacional e podem prejudicar a imagem da autarquia. O projeto é composto por três pilares: comercial, agropecuário e industrial (REY e JÚNIOR, 2019). Com isso em mente, este trabalho propõe um aplicativo que utiliza tecnologias de informação para aumentar a eficiência e segurança do processo de fiscalização de mercadorias. Dividiu-se os trabalhos em três etapas: Elicitação dos requisitos; Elaboração do protótipo; Levantamento dos pontos de função e estudo de viabilidade e o aplicativo utilizará tecnologias embarcadas, como a Optical Character Recognition (OCR) e a Geolocalização, permitindo que os próprios destinatários das mercadorias realizem o procedimento de vistoria física de forma segura. Foram elicitados os requisitos funcionais e não funcionais do aplicativo e as telas das interfaces foram elaboradas no software FIGMA. Também foi realizada uma análise do potencial ganho de produtividade do controle de mercadorias, onde foi verificado que apenas com medicamentos e veículos, foi possível aumentar a produtividade quantitativa das vistorias físicas em 7,5%, passando dos atuais 2,5% definidos como meta institucional para quase 10% do total dos valores das notas fiscais registradas na autarquia. Além de melhorar a eficiência do processo de fiscalização na ZFM, o aplicativo alcançará 100% da área de controle cobrindo todos os 157 municípios incentivados da região. Atualmente, apenas 11 cidades têm sedes administrativas e vistorias físicas (Suframa, 2022). Foi constatado que o baixo investimento necessário para o desenvolvimento do aplicativo, em comparação com a contratação de servidores para realizar o mesmo número de vistorias físicas, é vantajoso pela sua economicidade. A utilização de tecnologias da informação para fortalecer o controle de entrada de mercadorias é uma opção econômica, prática e sustentável que pode fortalecer o processo de fiscalização e minimizar os riscos de fraude.
Supply Flow Logistics Management Model In The Baking Automation Sector At A Company In Manaus Free Trade Zone
Background: This article deals with logistics and supply management, a strategic area for companies in today's highly competitive environment. The research targeted a company from the Manaus Free Trade Zone, Amazonas, having as a starting point the finding that there is a logistical bottleneck, with rising supply costs, making material planning even more critical for ensuring an optimal level of production with adequate control of the costs involved. Based on this problem, the following guiding question of the research was elaborated: which “make to-order” process can be more suitable for company “X”, allowing it to balance costs with freight and stock, and at the same time serve the customer on the promised date? Thus, the general objective of the research was defined to propose a logistic management model that allows the optimization of the supply flow in the automation sector of a company in the Industrial Pole of Manaus, based on the cost of stock, time for the acquisition of raw material and the cost of transportation to the plant, with the following specific objectives: to describe the deficiencies of the current logistics management system in the automation sector of company “X”; propose a new management model, focusing on a point of balance between acquisition costs, transport of inputs to the industrial plant in Manaus and storage, and demonstrate how the proposed method can result in competitive improvements for this organization.
Materials and Methods: This research was motivated by the need to solve a specific problem, aiming to propose a new management model to contribute to the improvement of practices related to supply logistics, focusing on the scenario of that company where the current model incurs with the current cost of freight due to the difficulties imposed by the business model Make to Order, where purchases of raw materials are only triggered when the company receives the order and this implies logistical difficulties imposed by the company's location.
Conclusion: The realization of this work allowed, through a case study, to gather enough information to analyze the current situation of a company in the banking automation branch of a company located in the Manaus Free Trade Zone, arriving at a way to minimize costs by doing if the material was available at other company plants in Budapest, Hungary or Chennai, India. With the implementation of these Hubs, the company would be able to serve the customer in less time and at a lower cost.
Development of a New Layout for Serial Labels to Reduce Interruptions in TV Lines Caused by Difficulty Reading Barcodes
Com o advento de novas tecnologias e a crescente demanda do mercado, as empresas vêm buscando formas de melhorar a eficiência dos seus processos de produção introduzido inovações a partir da eliminação de desperdícios, redução de retrabalho e incongruência de informações devido entrada de dados manuais. O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar que é possível mitigar ou eliminar paradas no processo de produção de Televisores, causados por dificuldade na leitura dos códigos de barras impressos em impressora de transferência térmica, com soluções inteligentes e inovadoras tendo como apoio as ferramentas da qualidade. Na busca da resolução desses problemas, este trabalho foi desenvolvido em três capítulos. O Capítulo I começa com uma introdução que apresenta a problemática a ser tratada, quais os tipos de códigos de barras adotado na empresa, aborda as ferramentas da qualidade que foram utilizadas como apoio na busca da solução do problema e ainda o objetivo geral e os específicos que foram definidos pelos pesquisadores. O Capítulo II apresenta de forma breve a metodologia que foi aplicada para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, o conceito de eficiência e a eficácia no sistema de produção, detalha as ferramentas da qualidade utilizadas (PDCA, Brainstorming, 5 Porquês, Diagrama de Ishikawa, 5W2H) para encontrar uma solução viável para o problema a ser tratado. Aborda os tipos de códigos de barras mais utilizados, bidimensional e linear entre outros, suas composições estruturais, os processos de codificação e decodificação, o dígito verificador e os métodos que cobrem a detecção digitação incorreta. O Capítulo III apresenta uma proposta de solução para a empresa, tendo como base uma vasta detalhada análise do fluxograma de cada área envolvida no processo de impressão e utilização das etiquetas com código de barras, os materiais utilizados no processo de impressão, quais sistemas de informação são utilizados assim como o layout e o método utilizado para a impressão. O resultado desse estudo tende a contribuir com os demais empreendimentos que possuem processos similares de impressão de códigos de barras, uma vez que sua aplicação tem como objetivo reduzir ou eliminar paradas de linha, atuando diretamente nas falhas dos códigos de barras que tanto causam as paradas de linha, demonstrando que o pensamento disruptivo associado a uma mudança inteligente contribui positivamente para com o resultado da empresa melhorando o fluxo do processo e de informações, contribuindo com o aumento da eficiência e a redução de retrabalhos.
Use of chirps satellite precipitation in the characterization of the franceses stream Basin, Manaus - State of Amazonas - Brazil
The city of Manaus has numerous waterways in its urban perimeter, and, despite this, there is a shortage of measures aimed at protecting water resources that has generated occupations very close to the riverbeds. This work aims to characterize a watershed in an urban area of Manaus and map the areas subject to flooding around the Franceses Stream. The methodology applied involved obtaining topographic and thematic information such as morphology, geographical location, elevations, extent, area, level curves (water dividers) of the basin, obtained through georeferenced satellite images in a GIS environment.In addition, monthly satellite precipitation via the CHIRPS product was used for the calculations. The physical characteristics of the basin were determined using equations employed in hydrology. The results indicated that the Franceses Stream basin is not subject to major flooding, presenting the following characteristics: compactness coefficient Kc = 5.71; form factor Kf = 0.36; circularity index Ic = 0.03; drainage density Dd = 0.94km-1 . It was also found that, despite the intense occupation, there is preserved vegetation within the basin. It was concluded that the precipitation estimated by CHIRPS is efficient because it has a larger coverage, and that knowing the characteristics of watersheds in urban environments is of great importance to subsidize intervention measures and planning policies that ensure the protection of water resources and minimize inconvenience to the population. It was also found that the use of GIS is an important tool for analyzing information in hydrological studies, and that it needs to become an increasingly applied tool in urban management, so that the knowledge obtained can be used to obtain better environmental and social conditions.
Application of Quality Management Tools to Reduce
Costs with Scrap in the Automated Teller Machine
Background: Globalization has increased competitiveness among markets and consequently, companies have sought to optimize their production processes to reduce scrap and production costs through the implementation of advanced technologies and quality tools. The quality tools facilitate the resolution of problems that interfere with the good performance of the process, product, or service and enable the continuous improvement of the processes, contributing to the scrap reduction and increasing customer satisfaction and reducing the costs of non-conforming materials. The objective of this study is to reduce financial losses associated with scrap generation through the introduction of quality tools applied to the production process in the automated teller machine industry.
Materials and Methods: The research methodology used was the case study applied in company of Manaus Trade Zone. A literature review was conducted regarding the most relevant quality tools to solve problems used currently in the industry. Process mapping (flow chart) and brainstorming were used to identify the bottlenecks that prevent the scrap reduction. Furthermore, pareto Diagram, trend Graph, scatter diagram, 5 Whys Analysis and 5W2H were employed in this study.
Results: Through the Pareto diagram it was possible to identify the card reader was the main cause of rejection, and along with 7 other items accounted for 78% of the 2018 and 2019 rejection costs. By using the 5W2H tool, it was possible to implement action plans to solve the problems identified, which generated a significant reduction of the rejection costs raised in 2020.
Conclusion: The results pointed out that the quality tools are effective for identifying causes and solving problems related to scrap. From 2018 to 2020 the reduction was 95% and continued consistently in 2021, showing that the problem had been consistently solved.
São crescentes os interesses, políticos, ambientais, econômicos e sociais para tratar de temas
ambientais, incluindo o tratamento de resíduos sólidos, mais especificamente os pneus inservíveis.
Muito tem sido discutido em conferências, periódicos científicos e outros meios, mas ainda há grande
oportunidade para novas pesquisas e soluções. Este artigo buscar e conhecer o uso de resíduos de pneus
inservíveis como matéria-prima secundária para processos industriais, de acordo com a legislação
brasileira. Trata-se de uma revisão exploratória, ancorada na pesquisa bibliográfica e documental,
fundamentada em artigos, publicações científicas relevantes e em documentos oficiais que tratam dos
resíduos sólidos no Brasil, além de relatórios estatísticos de instituições, associações e empresas que
tratam sobre o tema. Os resultados encontrados revelam que os pneus inservíveis têm sido usados como
matéria-prima secundária em processos industriais, por meio de diferentes alternativas de destinação na
industrialização de novos produtos, cujos processos industriais utilizam-se da trituração, reforma,
granulação, regeneração da borracha ou desvulcanização, coprocessamento, laminação e pirólise; como
é o caso de empresas de industrialização do xisto e das empresas que utilizam pneus inservíveis na
confecção de artefatos de borracha, na construção civil e pavimentação asfáltica.O estudo conclui que a
legislação brasileira, principalmente a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS) por meio da
logística reversa, possibilita o uso de resíduos de pneus inservíveis como matéria-prima secundária em
processos industriais de outros produtos, contribuindo com a diminuição dos impactos negativos
socioambientais e problemas de saúde pública causados pelo descarte inadequado desses resíduos.
Cap 17 - Sistema fotovoltaico no aeroporto internacional de Manaus: Análise da viabilidade técnica, econômica e ambiental de implantação usando simulação computacional
Engenharia no Século XXI Volume 15
Cap 13 - Maintenance management with application of computational intelligence generating a decision support system for the load dispatch in power plants
Cap 12 - Heuristic methods for the evaluation of environmental impacts in the power plants
Cap 2 - Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques to Solve the Economic Emission Load Dispatch Problem Using Various Heuristic and Metaheuristic Algorithms
Chapter - Maintenance Management with Application of Computational Intelligence Generating a Decision Support System for the Load Dispatch in Power Plants
Gestão de Projetos - Escritos em Administração & Produção Vol I
Gestión de Mantenimiento basado en Herramientas Predictivas y de TPM - Incremento de la eficiencia energética en Plantas Termoeléctricas
Optimization and Control Of Electrical Machines
Maintenance Management Edited by Fausto Pedro García Márquez and Mayorkinos Papaelias
Sistema de Mantenimiento utilizando Inteligencia Artificial Integrada con el Sistema de Supervisión em tempo real en Plantas Termoeléctricas.
Análise de Impactos Harmônicas em Redes Elétricas de Média Tensão - Utilizando Técnica de Inteligência Computacional
Análise de Distorções Harmônicas em Redes Elétricas de Média Tensão - Um estudo de caso em um barramento do sistema elétrico
Impactos Ambientales en Plantas generadoras de Eletricidad - Emisiones en Plantas Termoeléctricas
Tópicos Especiais em Meio Ambiente:uma abordagem prática de temas sustentáveis Volume II
Tópicos Especiais em Meio Ambiente: uma abordagem prática de temas sustentáveis Volume I
Precipitation is important in maintaining the environment and life of living beings. Through their studies and increasingly accurate forecasts, we can reduce the impacts related to floods, environmental disasters, and losses in the agricultural and tourism sectors. However, climate change has made the analysis of this variable difficult. In this article we will present an hourly rain forecast model using Artificial Neural Networks, using the information on instantaneous, maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, wind, and precipitation through the automatic weather stations of the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia, located in the city from Manaus/AM. First, a study was carried out to determine the network architecture best suited to the data set. Numerous combinations between the training and transfer functions were performed until finding the functions that presented the best error values. The predictions made with the model showed satisfactory results, showing that the model was able to reproduce the same behavior of the precipitation observed for the predicted day, presenting practically the same totals, especially on the rainiest days. On the other hand, in cases where the observed showed a characteristic of convective precipitation, the model was not able to capture the
intensity, which shows that it must be tested with other atmospheric variables.
Background: Industries are increasingly specializing in the financial and production sector, aided by general accounting and, especially, cost accounting. Even increasing the degree of complexity of specialized employees, cost accounting in relation to its apportionment criteria is always a challenge. Companies find it very difficult to correctly determine the unit cost of the product or service being offered. And it is precisely at this moment that cost accounting proves to be useful and indispensable. Cost apportionment is one of the branches of industrial accounting and it is a subject that seems to be simple to understand, however, it becomes more complex during your daily practices. This work aims to develop a classification model for decision making based on Fuzzy Logic for diagnosing production performance with a focus on financial improvement based on the optimization of cost apportionment. In this context, the work is justified by pointing out a new perspective of analysis through production and financial indicators implemented in a Fuzzy interference model with the objective of optimizing the apportionment criteria and proposing financial improvements. Materials and Methods: The Methodological Process of the research was developed in three phases: 1. Identification of Economic and Production Indicators; 2. Modeling of the Fuzzy “Inference” System; 3. Proposed Model Experiment. Each phase consists of three stages until reaching the results obtained from the research. The proposed Fuzzy system was able to show the different performance results when simulated with the different conditions of the input variables and which the projected performance classification could be defined. Results: The model resulted in 576 inference rules for analysis. In one of these analyses, I specify analysis 291 according to table 8 of this article, considering the indicator of Overall Labor Effectiveness “Good”, Overall Equipment Effectiveness “Bad”, Contribution Margin “Good”, Breakeven Point “Good” and Liquidity Current “Good”, the performance of the product is considered “Medium”. With a bad EGE, it is difficult to properly monitor production efficiency to a satisfactory degree, but you can maintain a standard production pace due to
the good results of other indicators. Conclusion: In this way, the Fuzzy system helps to guide us in which costing method we should adjust the worked product so that it can generate profitability within the industry and better profit margin, allowing a more critical analysis in internal decision-making.